Thursday, May 31, 2012


                                              Heres the latest piece done on my homie "J-lue".  

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Throwback Jam

                                                              STILL A "G" THANG

fallen angel

Heres a look at the latest piece of art I added to my homie Cody,  this dude dnt mess around wen it comes to his art collection. cant wait til next round

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

in the streets

had a goodtime cruising the city memorial day weekend   even got my pic taken by a dude in a lambo. GOODTIMES!!

Friday, May 25, 2012


                                   heres a look back at a coverup piece i did a few months ago.  

                                      Im so glad its friday, enjoy the holiday weekend every1

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Throwback Jam


fresh look

jordan came thru for his first session on a huge new piece / coverup.  this gon be a kool color piece wen all is said and done         to be continued.......

chasin the dragon

Amber came thru & got her 2nd piece of art by me.  nice 3hr session..    more to come stay tuned

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


this is 1 side of a half sleeve i did yest, had a really goodtime doin this all day piece, andrew sat like a champ.      i gotta get a better pic of the other side, cant wait to do the top half

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Jams

RIP to the disco Queen Donna Summers,,,,,   man these songs make me feel like goin roller skating

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Shy-town bound

Past 4 yrs my lil sis has attended the Illinois school of optometry in quest of receiving her masters degree and becoming a doctor. This wkend I gladly put all aside and headed to Chicago to attend her ceremony. This trip went alot different than planned bein as 3 key players in our small 6member fam cud not attend due things out of our control.

Inspite of all the family has endured past few yrs CONGRATS goes to my lil sis "Dr Sanica Matthews"