Monday, June 27, 2016


I Don't get to pull out my lac too often but wen I do.......

Mob on Top

A shot I got recently of the wall outside our show at the Ogden Museum in New Orleans, LA. Mural done by Risk, Harsh, Bugs, SGP, Meek, Baser, Axe of the Top Mob family 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

New Visual

heres some footage i captured from my last california excursion. Enjoy

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

From up Top

Here's the mural so far from the Ogden Museum this portion was done by Risk & Dr. Dax

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Top Mob Artshow

Thanks to all who came out a supported me and the crew.  Kool to look around a room and see a lot of people who've been down with the movement and supported my arts. Also very Kool to meet and sell to new customers. Top Mob is fam all bounded together by the luv of graf 30 years plus.  It's a trip wen I think about where being straight up vandals really took all of us all. THANKYOU for your support 

Friday, June 10, 2016

My new book now available

Got a few copies of my photography book New Orleans Art & Soul l, 60 plus pages of the New Orleans lifestyle....

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Mob on Top

New Visual

Heres another visual I created, this time of something that very close to heart for me. ENJOY

Ogden Museum

"Thank you to the @OgdenMuseum for featuring our work and honoring #TopMob at their Magnolia Ball.  #MagnoliaBall is June 11 - Visit for ticket